Tunbridge Wells

When first viewed the garden was pleasant with a spacious square lawn surrounded by straight flower borders, a large swing and, in the corner, a wooden playhouse. But, as the children were growing up, the owners wanted to update it.

I suggested that we constructed a pergola near the house, big enough to straddle a large table with seating. This was screened from the neighbours using three pleached Liquidambar trees. In addition we would replace the playhouse in the corner with a stylishly curved pergola. These areas would be linked with Indian Sandstone stepping-stone paths which would visually break up the large area of lawn.

We created new, larger, curving beds on three sides, and filled them with a selection of sun-loving perennials, shrubs and grasses. In the well-established, existing bed at the far end of the garden, we infilled the gaps with more shrubs and shade tolerant perennials.